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Turner, J. A., Anderson, M. L., Balderson, B. H., Cook, A. J., Sherman, K. J., & Cherkin, D. C. (2016). Mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic low back pain: Similar effects on mindfulness, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, and acceptance in a randomized controlled trial. Pain, 157(11), 2434–2444.

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Schneider, J., Algharably, E., Budnick, A., Wenzel, A., Dräger, D., & Kreutz, R. (2020). Deficits in pain medication in older adults with chronic pain receiving home care: A cross-sectional study in Germany. PLOS ONE, 15(2), e0229229.

Schneider, J., Algharably, E., Budnick, A., Wenzel, A., Dräger, D., & Kreutz, R. (2020). Deficits in pain medication in older adults with chronic pain receiving home care: A cross-sectional study in Germany. PLOS ONE, 15(2), e0229229.

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Presley, C. J., Kapo, J., Wang, S.-Y., Canavan, M., Sheinfeld, E., Feder, S., Kent, E., & Davidoff, A. J. (2018). Undertreated pain: Trends over time for older adults with and without cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36(30_suppl), 15–15.

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Niknejad, B., Bolier, R., Henderson, C. R., Delgado, D., Kozlov, E., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Reid, M. C. (2018). Association Between Psychological Interventions and Chronic Pain Outcomes in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Internal Medicine, 178(6), 830.
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