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Dube, P., Kurt, K., Bair, M. J., Theobald, D., & Williams, L. S. (2010). The P4 screener: Evaluation of a brief measure of assessing potential suicide risk in randomized effectiveness trials of primary care and oncology patients. Primary care companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 12, doi: 10.4088/PCC.10m00978blu

Dube, P., Kurt, K., Bair, M. J., Theobald, D., & Williams, L. S. (2010). The P4 screener: Evaluation of a brief measure of assessing potential suicide risk in randomized effectiveness trials of primary care and oncology patients. Primary care companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 12, doi: 10.4088/PCC.10m00978blu2014-01-18T17:45:20+00:00

APA reported on the 2014 updates to Medicare’s Physician Quality Reporting System. Take a look at the 2014 PQRS Measures List. Posted on 1/18/14.


APA reported on the 2014 updates to Medicare’s Physician Quality Reporting System.  Take a look at the 2014 PQRS Measures List.  Posted on 1/18/14.

APA reported on the 2014 updates to Medicare’s Physician Quality Reporting System. Take a look at the 2014 PQRS Measures List. Posted on 1/18/14.2014-01-18T17:18:44+00:00

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Lenze, E.J., Rogers, J.C., Martire, L.M., Mulsant, B.H., Rollman, B.L., Dew, M.A….Reynolds, C.F. (2001). The association of late-life depression and anxiety with physical disability: A review of the literature and prospectus for future research. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 9, 113-134.

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Karlin, B. E., Brown, G. K., Trockel, M., Cunning, D., Zeiss, A. M., & Taylor, C. B. (2012). National dissemination of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system:  Therapist and patient-level outcomes.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80, 707-718.

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Yong, H. H., Gibson, S. J., David, J. D. L., & Helme, R. D. (2001). Development of a pain attitudes questionnaire to assess stoicism and cautiousness for possible age differences. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 56B(5), P279-P284.2014-01-17T16:36:47+00:00

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Waters, S. J., Woodward, J. T., & Keefe, F. J. (2005). Cognitive-behavioural therapy for pain in older adults. In S. J. Gibson, & D. K. Weiner (Eds.), Pain in older persons (pp. 239-262). Seattle, WA: IASP Press.2014-01-17T16:36:14+00:00

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Morone, N. E., Lynch, C. S., Greco, C. M., Tindle, H. A., & Weiner, D. K. (2008). “I felt like a new person.” The effects of mindfulness meditation on older adults with chronic pain: Qualitative narrative analysis of diary entries. The Journal of Pain: Official Journal of the American Pain Society, 9(9), 841-848. doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2008.04.003

Morone, N. E., Lynch, C. S., Greco, C. M., Tindle, H. A., & Weiner, D. K. (2008). “I felt like a new person.” The effects of mindfulness meditation on older adults with chronic pain: Qualitative narrative analysis of diary entries. The Journal of Pain: Official Journal of the American Pain Society, 9(9), 841-848. doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2008.04.0032014-01-17T16:35:42+00:00

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McCracken, L. M., & Jones, R. (2012). Treatment for chronic pain for adults in the seventh and eighth decades of life: A preliminary study of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Pain Medicine, 13(7), 860-867. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01407.x2014-01-17T16:31:14+00:00

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Green, S. M., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Martin, R., & Sharpe, D. (2009). A controlled investigation of a cognitive behavioural pain management program for older adults. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 37(2), 221-226. doi:10.1017/S13524658090051772014-01-17T16:28:07+00:00

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