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Schulz, R., Burgio, L., Burns, R., Eisdorfer, C., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gitlin, LN., & Mahoney, D.F. (2003). Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH): overview, site-specific outcomes, and future directions. The Gerontologist, 43(4), 514-20.


Schulz, R., Burgio, L., Burns, R., Eisdorfer, C., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gitlin, LN., & Mahoney, D.F. (2003). Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH): overview, site-specific outcomes, and future directions.  The Gerontologist, 43(4), 514-20.

Schulz, R., Burgio, L., Burns, R., Eisdorfer, C., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gitlin, LN., & Mahoney, D.F. (2003). Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH): overview, site-specific outcomes, and future directions. The Gerontologist, 43(4), 514-20.2013-04-05T00:09:08+00:00

Roy-Byrne, P. B., Katon, W., Cowley, D. S., & Russo, J. (2001). A randomized effectiveness trial of collaborative care for patients with panic disorder in primary care. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58, 869–876.


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Macdonald, C.J., Stodel, E.J., & Chambers, L.W. (2008). An online interprofessional learning resource for physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and nurses in long-term care: benefits, barriers, and lessons learned. Informatics for Health Social Care, 33(1), 21-38.


Macdonald, C.J., Stodel, E.J., & Chambers, L.W. (2008). An online interprofessional learning resource for physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and nurses in long-term care: benefits, barriers, and lessons learned.  Informatics for Health Social Care, 33(1), 21-38.

Macdonald, C.J., Stodel, E.J., & Chambers, L.W. (2008). An online interprofessional learning resource for physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and nurses in long-term care: benefits, barriers, and lessons learned. Informatics for Health Social Care, 33(1), 21-38.2013-04-05T00:05:18+00:00

Hunkeler, E.M., Katon, W., Tang, L., Williams, J.W. Jr, Kroenke, K., Lin, E.H., et al (2006). Long term outcomes from the IMPACT randomised trial for depressed elderly patients in primary care. British Medical Journal, 4, 259-63.


Hunkeler, E.M., Katon, W., Tang, L., Williams, J.W. Jr, Kroenke, K., Lin, E.H., et al (2006). Long term outcomes from the IMPACT randomised trial for depressed elderly patients in primary care. British Medical Journal, 4, 259-63.

Hunkeler, E.M., Katon, W., Tang, L., Williams, J.W. Jr, Kroenke, K., Lin, E.H., et al (2006). Long term outcomes from the IMPACT randomised trial for depressed elderly patients in primary care. British Medical Journal, 4, 259-63.2013-04-05T00:00:54+00:00

Heinemann, G.D., Farrell, M.P., & Schmitt, M.H. (1994). Groupthink theory and research: Implications for decision making in geriatric health care teams. Educational Gerontology, 20(1), 71-85.


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Hedrick, S. C., Chaney, E. F., Felker, B., Liu, C., Hasenberg, N., Heagerty, P., et al. (2003). Effectiveness of collaborative care depression treatment in Veterans’ Affairs primary care. Journal of Internal Medicine, 18, 9–16.


Hedrick, S. C., Chaney, E. F., Felker, B., Liu, C., Hasenberg, N., Heagerty, P., et al. (2003). Effectiveness of collaborative care depression treatment in Veterans’ Affairs primary care. Journal of Internal Medicine, 18, 9–16.

Hedrick, S. C., Chaney, E. F., Felker, B., Liu, C., Hasenberg, N., Heagerty, P., et al. (2003). Effectiveness of collaborative care depression treatment in Veterans’ Affairs primary care. Journal of Internal Medicine, 18, 9–16.2013-04-04T23:58:16+00:00

Fulmer, T., Flaherty, E., & Hyer, K. (2003). The geriatric interdisciplinary team training (GITT) program. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 24(2), 3-12.


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Emery, E.E., Lapidos, S., Eisenstein, A., Ivan, I., & Golden, R. (2012). The BRIGHTEN Program: Implementation and evaluation of a program to Bridge Resources of an Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Team via Electronic Networking. The Gerontologist, 52 (6): 857-865. DOI: 10.1093/geront/gns034.


Emery, E.E., Lapidos, S., Eisenstein, A., Ivan, I., & Golden, R. (2012). The BRIGHTEN Program: Implementation and evaluation of a program to Bridge Resources of an Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Team via Electronic Networking.  The Gerontologist, 52 (6): 857-865.  DOI: 10.1093/geront/gns034.

Emery, E.E., Lapidos, S., Eisenstein, A., Ivan, I., & Golden, R. (2012). The BRIGHTEN Program: Implementation and evaluation of a program to Bridge Resources of an Interdisciplinary Geriatric Health Team via Electronic Networking. The Gerontologist, 52 (6): 857-865. DOI: 10.1093/geront/gns034.2013-04-04T23:56:04+00:00

Friedman, D., & Berger, D.L. (2004). Improving Team Structure and Communication: A Key to Hospital Efficiency. Archives of General Surgery, 139, 1194-1198.


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Farrell, M.P., Schmitt, M.H., & Heinemann, G.D. (2001). Informal roles and the stages of interdisciplinary team development. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 15(3), 281-295.


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Callahan, C. M., Boustani, M. A., Unverzagt, F. W., Austrom, M. G., Damush, T. M., Perkins, A. J., et al. (2006). Effectiveness of collaborative care for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease in primary care: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 295, 2148–2157.


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Callahan, C. M., Boustani, M. A., Unverzagt, F. W., Austrom, M. G., Damush, T. M., Perkins, A. J., et al. (2006). Effectiveness of collaborative care for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease in primary care: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 295, 2148–2157.2013-04-04T23:49:15+00:00

Bartels, S. J., Coakley, E. H., Zubritsky, C., Ware, J. H., Miles, K. M., Area´n, P. A., et al. (2004). Improving access to geriatric mental health services: A randomized trial comparing treatment engagement with integrated versus enhanced referral care for depression, anxiety, and at-risk alcohol use. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 1455–1462.


Bartels, S. J., Coakley, E. H., Zubritsky, C., Ware, J. H., Miles, K. M., Area´n, P. A., et al. (2004). Improving access to geriatric mental health services: A randomized trial comparing treatment engagement with integrated versus enhanced referral care for depression, anxiety, and at-risk alcohol use. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 1455–1462.

Bartels, S. J., Coakley, E. H., Zubritsky, C., Ware, J. H., Miles, K. M., Area´n, P. A., et al. (2004). Improving access to geriatric mental health services: A randomized trial comparing treatment engagement with integrated versus enhanced referral care for depression, anxiety, and at-risk alcohol use. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 1455–1462.2013-04-04T23:46:08+00:00

Banks, M. E., Buki, L., Gallardo, M. E., & Yee, B. W. (2007). Integrative healthcare and marginalized populations. In I. Serlin (Series Ed.) and M. A. DiCowden (Vol. Ed.), Humanizing healthcare: A handbook for healthcare integration: Vol 1. Mind–body medicine (pp. 147–173). Westport, CT: Greenwood.


Banks, M. E., Buki, L., Gallardo, M. E., & Yee, B. W. (2007). Integrative healthcare and marginalized populations. In I. Serlin (Series Ed.) and M. A. DiCowden (Vol. Ed.), Humanizing healthcare: A handbook for healthcare integration: Vol 1. Mind–body medicine (pp. 147–173). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Banks, M. E., Buki, L., Gallardo, M. E., & Yee, B. W. (2007). Integrative healthcare and marginalized populations. In I. Serlin (Series Ed.) and M. A. DiCowden (Vol. Ed.), Humanizing healthcare: A handbook for healthcare integration: Vol 1. Mind–body medicine (pp. 147–173). Westport, CT: Greenwood.2013-04-04T23:44:51+00:00

AGS Panel on Persistent Pain in Older Persons. (2002). The Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 50 (S6), S205–S224.


AGS Panel on Persistent Pain in Older Persons. (2002).  The Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 50 (S6), S205–S224.

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Molton, I.R., Graham, C., Stoelb, B.L., & Jensen, M. (2007). Current psychological approaches to the management of chronic pain. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 20(5), 485-489. doi: 10.1097/ACO.0b013e3282ef6b40


Molton, I.R., Graham, C., Stoelb, B.L., & Jensen, M. (2007).  Current psychological approaches to the management of chronic pain. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 20(5), 485-489. doi: 10.1097/ACO.0b013e3282ef6b40

Molton, I.R., Graham, C., Stoelb, B.L., & Jensen, M. (2007). Current psychological approaches to the management of chronic pain. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 20(5), 485-489. doi: 10.1097/ACO.0b013e3282ef6b402013-04-04T17:35:42+00:00

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Bernick, L., & Reid, J. (2005). Suicide Prevention Among Older Adults. Symposium presented at the SPRC Regions III and V Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Powerpoint slides available here.


Bernick, L., & Reid, J. (2005). Suicide Prevention Among Older Adults. Symposium presented at the SPRC Regions III and V Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Powerpoint slides available here.

Bernick, L., & Reid, J. (2005). Suicide Prevention Among Older Adults. Symposium presented at the SPRC Regions III and V Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Powerpoint slides available here.2013-04-03T12:50:28+00:00

ASPP STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD: Learn How APA Governance Works: The Assembly of Scientist/Practitioner Psychologists (ASPP), a caucus of the Council of Representatives (COR) of APA, is providing a $1,000 travel award for the February 2014 Council meeting in Washington, DC for a doctoral student in psychology. The purpose of the award is to give an interested graduate student the opportunity to learn about the governance structure and activities of the APA Council and the associated caucuses. At the COR meeting, the student who receives the award will be mentored by the Chair of the ASPP. The ASPP Board will review all submissions, select a student, and announce the recipient during the August 2013 ASPP caucus meeting. Interested students may send (a) their CV, (b) 100-word statement explaining their reasons for applying for the award, and (c) a letter of endorsement from their advisor addressing the student’s promise as a scientist-practitioner. Applications should be emailed to the Chair of the ASPP, Dr. Ellen W. Williams at [email protected]. Deadline for submission is July 12, 2013. Ellen W. Williams, Ph.D., EMDR Certified Therapist, AASP Certified Sport Psychologist, 480-345-7031, Fax: 480-831-6799. Posted 04-03-13.


ASPP STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD: Learn How APA Governance Works:  The Assembly of Scientist/Practitioner Psychologists (ASPP), a caucus of the Council of Representatives (COR) of APA, is providing a $1,000 travel award for the February 2014 Council meeting in Washington, DC for a doctoral student in psychology.  The purpose of the award is to give an interested graduate student the opportunity to learn about the governance structure and activities of the APA Council and the associated caucuses.  At the COR meeting, the student who receives the award will be mentored by the Chair of the ASPP.  The ASPP Board will review [...]

ASPP STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD: Learn How APA Governance Works: The Assembly of Scientist/Practitioner Psychologists (ASPP), a caucus of the Council of Representatives (COR) of APA, is providing a $1,000 travel award for the February 2014 Council meeting in Washington, DC for a doctoral student in psychology. The purpose of the award is to give an interested graduate student the opportunity to learn about the governance structure and activities of the APA Council and the associated caucuses. At the COR meeting, the student who receives the award will be mentored by the Chair of the ASPP. The ASPP Board will review all submissions, select a student, and announce the recipient during the August 2013 ASPP caucus meeting. Interested students may send (a) their CV, (b) 100-word statement explaining their reasons for applying for the award, and (c) a letter of endorsement from their advisor addressing the student’s promise as a scientist-practitioner. Applications should be emailed to the Chair of the ASPP, Dr. Ellen W. Williams at [email protected]. Deadline for submission is July 12, 2013. Ellen W. Williams, Ph.D., EMDR Certified Therapist, AASP Certified Sport Psychologist, 480-345-7031, Fax: 480-831-6799. Posted 04-03-13.2013-04-03T12:37:39+00:00

Böttche, M., Kuwert, P., & Knaevelsrud, C. (2012). Posttraumatic stress disorder in older adults: an overview of characteristics and treatment approaches. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 230–239.


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Böttche, M., Kuwert, P., & Knaevelsrud, C. (2012). Posttraumatic stress disorder in older adults: an overview of characteristics and treatment approaches. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, 230–239.2013-04-02T23:08:27+00:00

Kaiser, A.P., Wachen, J.S., Potter, C., Moye, J., & Davison, E. (2013). PTSD Assessment and Treatment in Older Adults. Information provided by the Stress, Health, and Aging Research Program (SHARP).


Kaiser, A.P., Wachen, J.S., Potter, C., Moye, J., & Davison, E. (2013). PTSD Assessment and Treatment in Older Adults.  Information provided by the Stress, Health, and Aging Research Program (SHARP) of the National Center for PTSD.  

Kaiser, A.P., Wachen, J.S., Potter, C., Moye, J., & Davison, E. (2013). PTSD Assessment and Treatment in Older Adults. Information provided by the Stress, Health, and Aging Research Program (SHARP).2013-04-02T23:01:54+00:00

Rubin SS, Nadav OB, Malkinson R, Koren D, Goffer-Shnarch M, Michaeli E. (2009) The two-track model of bereavement questionnaire (TTBQ): development and validation of a relational measure. Death Studies, 33(4), 305-33.


Rubin SS, Nadav OB, Malkinson R, Koren D, Goffer-Shnarch M, Michaeli E. (2009) The two-track model of bereavement questionnaire (TTBQ): development and validation of a relational measure. Death Studies, 33(4), 305-33.

Rubin SS, Nadav OB, Malkinson R, Koren D, Goffer-Shnarch M, Michaeli E. (2009) The two-track model of bereavement questionnaire (TTBQ): development and validation of a relational measure. Death Studies, 33(4), 305-33.2013-04-02T21:39:00+00:00

Faschingbauer, T., Zisook, S. & DeVaul, R. (1987). The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief. In S. Zisook (Ed.), Biopsychosocial aspects of bereavement. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.


Faschingbauer, T., Zisook, S. & DeVaul, R. (1987). The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief. In S. Zisook (Ed.), Biopsychosocial aspects of bereavement. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Faschingbauer, T., Zisook, S. & DeVaul, R. (1987). The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief. In S. Zisook (Ed.), Biopsychosocial aspects of bereavement. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.2013-04-02T21:37:41+00:00

Ellifritt, J., Nelson, K., & Walsh, D. (2003). Complicated bereavement: A national survey of potential risk factors. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 20,114-120. Bereavement Risk Factor Questionnaire is In appendix of article.


Ellifritt, J., Nelson, K., & Walsh, D. (2003). Complicated bereavement: A national survey of potential risk factors. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 20,114-120.  Bereavement Risk Factor Questionnaire is In appendix of article.

Ellifritt, J., Nelson, K., & Walsh, D. (2003). Complicated bereavement: A national survey of potential risk factors. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 20,114-120. Bereavement Risk Factor Questionnaire is In appendix of article.2013-04-02T21:36:38+00:00

Boelen, P. & Lensvelt-Mulders, G. (2005). Psychometric properties of the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire (GCQ). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, 291–303.


Boelen, P. & Lensvelt-Mulders, G. (2005). Psychometric properties of the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire (GCQ). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, 291–303.

Boelen, P. & Lensvelt-Mulders, G. (2005). Psychometric properties of the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire (GCQ). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, 291–303.2013-04-02T21:34:41+00:00

Stroebe, M., Hansson, R., Schut, H., & Stroebe, W. [Eds.] (2007). Handbook of Bereavement Research and Practice: 21st Century Perspectives. Washington DC: American Psychological Association Press.


Stroebe, M., Hansson, R., Schut, H., & Stroebe, W. [Eds.] (2007). Handbook of Bereavement Research and Practice: 21st Century Perspectives. Washington DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Stroebe, M., Hansson, R., Schut, H., & Stroebe, W. [Eds.] (2007). Handbook of Bereavement Research and Practice: 21st Century Perspectives. Washington DC: American Psychological Association Press.2013-04-02T21:25:05+00:00

Bambauer, K.Z. & Prigerson, H.G. (2006). The Stigma Receptivity Scale and its association with mental health service use among bereaved older adults. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194(2), 139-141.


Bambauer, K.Z. & Prigerson, H.G. (2006). The Stigma Receptivity Scale and its association with mental health service use among bereaved older adults.   Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194(2), 139-141.  

Bambauer, K.Z. & Prigerson, H.G. (2006). The Stigma Receptivity Scale and its association with mental health service use among bereaved older adults. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194(2), 139-141.2013-04-02T21:09:36+00:00

Schulz, R., Boerner, K., & Shear, K. (2006). Predictors of Complicated Grief Among Dementia Caregivers: A Prospective Study of Bereavement. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14 (8), 650-658.


Schulz, R., Boerner, K., & Shear, K. (2006). Predictors of Complicated Grief Among Dementia Caregivers: A Prospective Study of Bereavement.   American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14 (8), 650-658.

Schulz, R., Boerner, K., & Shear, K. (2006). Predictors of Complicated Grief Among Dementia Caregivers: A Prospective Study of Bereavement. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14 (8), 650-658.2013-04-02T21:07:07+00:00

Boelen, P.A., van de Schoot, R., van den Hout, M.A., de Keijser, J., & van den Bout. J. (2010). Prolonged Grief Disorder, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder are distinguishable syndromes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125 (1-3), 374-8.


Boelen, P.A., van de Schoot, R., van den Hout, M.A., de Keijser, J., & van den Bout. J. (2010).   Prolonged Grief Disorder, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder are distinguishable syndromes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125 (1-3), 374-8.

Boelen, P.A., van de Schoot, R., van den Hout, M.A., de Keijser, J., & van den Bout. J. (2010). Prolonged Grief Disorder, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder are distinguishable syndromes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 125 (1-3), 374-8.2013-04-02T21:05:28+00:00

Prigerson, H.G., Horowitz, M.J., Jacobs, S.C., Parkes, C.M., Aslan, M., Goodkin, K., Raphael, B., Marwit, S.J., Wortman, C., Neimeyer, R.A., Bonanno, G., Block, S.D., Kissane, D., Boelen, P., Maercker, A., Litz, B.T., Johnson, J.G., First, M.B., & Maciejewski, P.K. (2009). Prolonged grief disorder: Psychometric validation of criteria proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11. PLoS Medicine, 6(8): e1000121.


Prigerson, H.G., Horowitz, M.J., Jacobs, S.C., Parkes, C.M., Aslan, M., Goodkin, K., Raphael, B., Marwit, S.J., Wortman, C., Neimeyer, R.A., Bonanno, G., Block, S.D., Kissane, D., Boelen, P., Maercker, A., Litz, B.T., Johnson, J.G., First, M.B., & Maciejewski, P.K.  (2009). Prolonged grief disorder: Psychometric validation of criteria proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11. PLoS Medicine, 6(8): e1000121.

Prigerson, H.G., Horowitz, M.J., Jacobs, S.C., Parkes, C.M., Aslan, M., Goodkin, K., Raphael, B., Marwit, S.J., Wortman, C., Neimeyer, R.A., Bonanno, G., Block, S.D., Kissane, D., Boelen, P., Maercker, A., Litz, B.T., Johnson, J.G., First, M.B., & Maciejewski, P.K. (2009). Prolonged grief disorder: Psychometric validation of criteria proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11. PLoS Medicine, 6(8): e1000121.2013-04-02T21:03:03+00:00
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